The First is about How you should NEVER Leave your Pet in your CAR Especially in the Summer!
The Second Story is about How a PitBull Save the Life of its Owner (3 cheers for the PitBull!!)
This is a Blog from "No Dog About it Blog" and the writer is Mel.
I know. We dog people say it over and over again…Dogs do not belong in hot cars. Dogs do not belong in cars on hot days. Dogs do not belong in a car while you go shopping or out to eat, especially on hot days.
Last night my friend Kristin posted this story on Facebook:
What is wrong with people? I was walking Woodstock (a dog Kristin is caring for) earlier and saw two dogs inside a car in the direct sunlight. The driver’s side window was cracked open about 2 inches, and that was it. After I walked Woodstock back home, I got in the car and drove past. They were still there, panting away. It was just down the block from (name omitted) and Cafe Ena, so I knew the owners were most likely enjoying a nice, leisurely meal while their dogs were getting possible heat exhaustion. I talked to a server at (name omitted), who was kind enough to ask at the tables who owned a white Prius. When she told me that the family told her “oh, we have the window cracked,” I asked if I could talk to them. She wasn’t comfortable having me confront her customers, so I said loudly “Well, could you tell them that I’m going to call 311?” Suddenly a young woman sprang up and came to me, saying “I’m the owner and they have a window open.” I explained that they could die inside, because they were in the sun and the window was hardly opened and cars heat up FAST (up to 150 degrees within minutes). She said “We’re volunteers and we got our dogs from a rescue in Israel.” and I said “I’m sure you love them a lot, but this is still a dangerous situation.” She got in the car, opened all of the windows, and I left. I still wasn’t satisfied, but the sun was starting to go down and I’m hopeful that they learned something.Yes. Volunteers caring for dogs rescued from Israel. I hate to think that a dog who had been rescued and brought here all the way from Israel would end up dying in a hot car because someone thought cracking one window would be sufficient for them. How sad.
Two years ago, I had my own sort of intervention with an owner who left her elderly Beagle in her car in the hot sun while she and her daughter went grocery shopping ay Byerly’s. Luckily, the dog was fine, but I was prepared to call police if she had stayed inside much longer.
That incident, and a few stories that appeared in the news around the same time, prompted me to consult a couple of awesome veterinarians before writing this piece – DOG + HOT CAR = DEAD… Get It?
At the time, I thought adding a little bit of shock value would be just the reality check some people needed to better understand the dangers of leaving a dog in a hot car. Maybe it’s time to pass it around again.
I hope you will read it and pass it on.
A side note to my friend Kristin: Kudos Kristin. As always, I am impressed with your tenacity. I am not surprised that you would go out of your way to help an animal in need or distress. You have always been an animal’s best advocate. I think that’s why so many of them have sought you out over the years. They know you care about them. You are my hero.

Here is the Second Story:
Pit Bull Leads Good Samaritan To Stricken Owner In Double Trouble State Park
Heres the Link:
CENTRAL NJ -- Frank Delarosa thought it was strange to see a pit bull running down a sugar sand path near the cranberry bogs at Double Trouble State Park on Friday, her leash dragging behind her.
Delarosa coaxed the one-year-old pit bull mix over to him, picked her up and started to head up the path to the park office.
But "Lilly"was restless. Delarosa decided to put her down. She began pulling and tugging him down the path, back towards the cranberry bogs.
It was there he found Lilly's owner unconscious about 150 yards down on the path. Dona Timoney, 51, of Beachwood, had suffered some kind of "medical event" while on a walk with her dog, Berkeley Township Detective Sgt. James J. Smith said.
"She was unconscious, but breathing," he said.
Detective Will Cullen and Patrolman Jon Sperber responded to the scene. Timoney was first taken to Community Medical Center in Toms River by members of the Bayville First Aid Squad and MONOC paramedics. She was later airlifted to St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, Cullen said.
Her condition is unavailable at this time, Smith said.
Lilly is now with Timoney's daughter. Timoney had previously rescued the dog from a "drug house" in North Carolina, Cullen said.
"The back of her car was filled with treats and bones," Cullen said. "She's obviously an avid animal lover."
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Thank You
Thanks for sharing Alexander! I'm going to subscribe.
ReplyDeleteI loved that pitbull story too.
Thank You Mel....I also read your blog everyday:-)
DeleteI love hearing about dogs who are heroes - and also people who are heroes who go out of their way to help dogs in distress.
ReplyDeleteWhy Thank You Bongo...:-)
DeleteWe know you would help anybody who might be in trouble.
Yes, thanks for sharing this Alexander. I'm just gearing up to post a week full of positive pit bull stories. I'll put a in link to your blog post.
ReplyDeleteThank You very much Deborah!!!
ReplyDeleteWe could use all the support we can get...:-)
Pitbulls continue to get a bad reputation and its not all true!
I glad you are posting GOOD articles on them!