The First is NJ wants seatbelts on dog....Unbelieveable!
The Second is the southern states feel is OK to kill the pets in shelters when they are overpopulated!
Again Un-Freakin-Believeable!

As part of New Jersey’s Click It or or Ticket campaign, driver’s are getting a reminder about the potentially hefty fines they’ll face if they’re caught driving with an unrestrained pet.
Under New Jersey Statute 4:22-18, having an unrestrained pet in a vehicle is considered animal cruelty, and drivers who don’t have them restrained will be subject to fines that range from $250 to $1,000 and as much as six months in jail.
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The Biggest Animal Welfare Myth in the South
Ever since relocating to South Carolina many years ago, and particularly since becoming an advocate for shelter pets throughout the south, I have heard the same myth repeated ad nauseum by shelter staff, volunteers and advocates in general: The reason our shelters kill so many pets is because we don’t have strong mandatory spay-neuter (MSN) laws like they do in the north where pet overpopulation is no longer a problem. This is false. It is not true. It is false and untrue and wrong on so many levels, I want to scream every time I hear it.
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