We Received this email from a friend of ours who tryin to help these poor defenseless dogs.
Wed hope somone out there will be able to adopt these some of these wonderful dogs AND Puppies.
Please Call the number in
BLUE if you can help in any way!!!
There is the original letter below and the 2 corresponding emails below that.
SOUTH SIDE KENNELS IN NY SHUT DOWN - Investigation of Animal Cruelty - Can you or someone you know help with donations or placement of these rescued dogs? Please spread the word.
Additional Photos from the link.
I'm trying to mobilize the rescue organizations for the different breeds mention below. Can you help?
We have a terrible, heartbreaking situation in Upstate New York with Frank Popolizio�s Southside Kennels located in South Worcester, NY. The Otsego County SPCA has been called in, as well as NY State Troopers, to remove over 130 dogs that are staked out w/barrels for shelter and no bedding in the barrels in subzero weather. The dogs are emaciated, eating their own feces, and in horrible physical condition and unable to fend for themselves. There are vizslas, GSP�s, Weimaraners, and Rhodesian Ridgebacks in peril that I know of. There may be other breeds at this puppy mill as well.
Please help me get the word out to the neighboring rescue people. The Otsego County SPCA is overwhelmed with the number of dogs they are going to have to take in and they have asked for help. The director, and contact person for this SPCA is a lady by the name of Liz Mackey; her phone number is 607-547-8111. This is a Cooperstown, NY number and the SPCA is located just south of Cooperstown.
Thank you for any help you can lend in this sad situation.

At this point in time I am still awaiting more information from the Vizsla Club of LI�s Rescue Chair as to what we or anyone can possibly do at this point to help these poor dogs. The news of this horrific finding has been circulating since this morning, and the breed rescue groups and lots of others are actively involved.
I know of the kennel, and it is well known to be a glorified puppy mill, a lot of dogs come into rescue from this kennel, but I personally have never heard of the dogs being mistreated there. Obviously something has gone very wrong up there. He also breeds miniature horses.
Once I hear more I will let everyone know.
Debbie Field,
your Treasurer & VCLI Rescue Committee Member
Dear Friends:This e-mail was forwarded to me from Karen Miller, our dog trainer and sitter. There has been a horrific rescuing of Weims, Vizsla's, German Short Haired Pointers and Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Please read the email that was sent to me. I have since been in contact with the director of the SPCA in Cooperstown, Liz Mackey and the situation is unphathomable. This truely breaks my heart for all the dogs but especially hits home with the weims and the puppies that have been rescued. Of course they're in need of donations, which Tom & I have pledged, as well as fostering homes until they are able to be adopted. I actually know of this man and his kennel and justice will hopefully be served. Its a very intense investigation with the State Police. So if there is anything you can do, to help those precious animals, it would be greatly appreciated. The SPCA is completely overwhelmed by the case with all the dogs and the expense. Each and every dog must have a physical, be tested and all shots administered and the animals are in dire need of everything. Some of them are in very grave health.
Thanks for taking the time.
Janine & Tom